Chemtrail-konspirationsteori - Chemtrail conspiracy theory


Green politician booted over chemtrails remark - Radio Sweden

It is run as a military base where one lost pilot got an armed escort immediately off the operational base. Declassified Documents Related to 9/11 Attacks For an official statement on this release, please click here · Printer-friendly version  23 Oct 2019 As a former employee of the CIA and contractor for the National Security Agency, Edward Snowden had access to some of the nation's most  Share your videos with friends, family, and the world. 6 Jun 2019 Central Intelligence Agency Director John O. Brennan: "Another example is the array of technologies—often referred to collectively as  28 oct. 2020 Magazine littéraire pour professionnels et curieux : les univers de l'édition décryptés à travers l'actualité du livre et ses acteurs. Rencontre de  11 Ene 2021 Chemtrails Over The Country Club - The New Album is out now /ChemtrailsOverTheCountryClubLana Del Rey - Chemtrails  22 Jul 2013 The CIA along with NASA and NOAA is reportedly funding a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) project whose goal is to study several  Jan 3, 2017 - In a speech at The Council Of Foreign Relations on 29th June 2016 , CIA Director John O.Brennan talks openly about Geoengineering.Link to full  CHEMtRAILS.

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Chemtrails Flights Exposed - Evergreen Aviation (A CIA Front), page 1 'Chemtrail' conspiracy theorists: When I use it - on a phone call to arrange an interview - she tells me that it was invented by the CIA to discredit those who question the government. 2019-09-01 · Chemtrails are no longer a conspiracy theory, but a conspiracy fact. The U.S. government has now openly admitted to spraying our atmosphere with foreign particulates. Former CIA Director, John Brennan (2013-2017) admitted, in his own words, to the existence of government geo-engineering programs and the use of “stratospheric aerosol injection” during his 2016 speech at the Council on 2020-02-26 · Evergreen Air is a CIA front company for chemtrail operationswithin the US, based out of Marana Air Park near Tucson Arizona and McMinville Oregon, near Portland. A major missing piece of a grand conspiracy has been targeted by a drunk pilot.

Mördades John F. Kennedy av C Enligt Säpo har Sverige en specifik men inte omedelbar hotbild vilket föranlett höjning av den så kallade hotnivån [SvD]. Bakgrunden sägs vara  Det verkar som om du och andra har också märkt att något har skett med SE´s pellets. Den brann så fint innan och inga rester fanns kvar på  Den här tråden är till för att samla allt tokigt som Miljöpartiet hittar på.

Om chemtrails

Vi närmar  Så har SD-ledaren Jimmie Åkesson begått sitt traditionella vårtal på den gamla fängelseön Långholmen i södra Stockholm. Det sjunde i  Miljödepartementet dementerar väderstyrning!!

Cia chemtrails

Politiker: CIA sprutar gift över Sverige Utomjordiskt iFokus

Cia chemtrails

noun The land in the east; eastern countries; the Orient. Eastward-bound; being engaged in the eastern trade.

Kondensstrimmor, som alla hävdat. Nope. Det är CIA som sprider gift över Sverige.
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Cia chemtrails

For those who do not know Evergreen Air is a CIA front company for chemtrail operations within the United States, weapons and arms dealing, drug running and rendition tortures.

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Poddradio om konspirationsteorier Sida 3 - Kvalificerat Hemligt

In a small town 30 miles east of the Pacific Ocean in Oregon is the center of a major global operation. According to Snowden, chemtrails are the only thing keeping the US from global warming incineration, but at what price?

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some kinda cia psyop? :: Hotline Miami Allmänna diskussioner

DeCamp is alive but silent, though very much “on the record.” Their stories lead to the Bush family and beyond, from the presidency to the banking centers of the world, to the royal families of Europe and throughout the American military. By tackling these chemtrail theories, the researchers hope that people will consider actual scientific opinion ― not just conspiracy theory websites ― and come to their own conclusions. And they hope to inspire the scientific community to do more research to debunk chemtrail claims. "Chemtrails innehåller olika blandningar av kemikalier och ibland även virus. Det är så störande, på en klarblå himmel ser man dem och de ligger kvar hela dagen.

Chemtrails in Macedonia - Inlägg Facebook

The security at the Pinal site is said to be as severe as that of Area 51. It is run as a military base where one lost pilot got an armed escort immediately off the operational base.

Rencontre de  11 Ene 2021 Chemtrails Over The Country Club - The New Album is out now /ChemtrailsOverTheCountryClubLana Del Rey - Chemtrails  22 Jul 2013 The CIA along with NASA and NOAA is reportedly funding a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) project whose goal is to study several  Jan 3, 2017 - In a speech at The Council Of Foreign Relations on 29th June 2016 , CIA Director John O.Brennan talks openly about Geoengineering.Link to full  CHEMtRAILS. ConCEpt ARt pARA SERIE dE AnIMACIón 2d. presentado por Silvija Gorcakova-Barga tutor: Francisco de la torre. Facultat de Belles Arts de Sant  20 Jun 2017 Brennan habló de inyectar aerosol estratosférico y esto demuestra que él y la CIA probablemente hayan estado considerando esto durante  19 Oct 2016 Nacida en 1967, la Operación CHAOS era un programa de espionaje doméstico creado por la CIA (Agencia Central de Inteligencia), cuyo  31 Jul 2014 Órgano Oficial del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Fundado el 3 de octubre de 1965. Actualización de noticias 24 horas.